Saturday, February 15, 2014

RHEL - Trouble Shoot with 2 screen in 1 SSH session

Install the screen package.
  • Create a screen RC file called /root/monitor.scr:

screen -t "Log Monitor" 1 tail -f /var/log/messages
screen -t "Command Window" 2 bash
select 1
select 2
startup_message off

  • Start the split screen log monitor:

# screen -c /root/monitor.scr
  • Send an update to /var/log/messages:

# logger "This is a test"
  • To scroll back on the top window use CTRL+a, release, then press TAB.
    • Enter copy mode, use CTRL+a, release, then press [.
    • When in copy mode you can use j for up and k for down or use the up/down arrow keys.
    • Use CTRL+a then press TAB to toggle back to the command line screen.
  • To exit screen, use CTRL+a, release, then type :quit.
  • Create a copy of the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
  • Make a change to it
  • See how diff can find differences between files:

# cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /root/mysshd_config
# vim /root/mysshd_config


LogLevel DEBUG
Port 2222


# diff /etc/ssh/sshd_config /root/mysshd_config
  • Create a screen RC file called /root/monitor_sshd.scr , this will start a test instance of SSHD when you start screen:

# screen -t "SSHD Monitor" 1 /usr/sbin/sshd -De -f
screen -t "Command Window" 2 bash
select 1
select 2
startup_message off

  • Start the split screen SSHD monitor:

# screen -c /root/monitor_sshd.scr
  • SSH into the test SSHD instance from the bottom screen:

# ssh localhost -p 2222

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